“The NCEO CEO Network provided a ready-made network of peers from other ESOP companies. I learned more during our discussions on governance, culture, and other issues unique to ESOPs than I did from hours and hours of reading.”
—Brad Archibald, the retiring CEO of Pioneer Technologies, a participant in the 2022 ESOP CEO Network.
If you are interested in getting to know other ESOP company CEOs in a small group setting, join our ESOP CEO Network. Rather than a one-and-done gathering, you’ll meet with the same group of CEOs for two hours every other month online, so you will have a chance to get to know them and their companies. The CEOs are the only participants, and a core principle of the group is confidentiality, so you will be part of a group that has no motive other than to share candidly with each other about the challenges and opportunities each CEO is facing. The focus is on CEOs helping each other make the most of employee ownership.
The NCEO convenes and hosts the CEO Network, and we seek to provide a balance between setting a topic in advance to provide focus while also leaving unstructured time for the group to take the conversation where its members want. The NCEO or a member may provide advance background materials, and the members choose their own agenda topics.
The topics the CEOs covered in 2022 include cash management, communications during uncertain times, repurchase obligations, compensation philosophy, managing executive teams, succession planning, mental health, board development, cyber security, recruiting/retention, and much more.
Participants share immediately usable ideas with each other, resulting in stronger companies: one anonymous participant called it “The best peer group I’ve been involved in,” while another said, “I’d be sad if I lost the feedback from this group! I talk with my executive team after every one of this group’s meetings.”
I am excited to announce that the ESOP CEO Network is actively recruiting for our next cohort, launching in January 2023.
Whether your company is in growth mode or if you’re in a rebuilding year, the Network is a great place for you to explore ideas and practices on the topics that matter most to you and get the information you need to unlock your company's employee ownership potential.
To ensure the CEO Network is intimate and conversational, we limit enrollment. An active NCEO membership is required for participation. Please complete this form to express interest in joining a 2023 cohort; we’ll also ask what days/times of the week are best for your schedule. To learn more about this group, please visit our ESOP CEO Network page.