January 4, 2010

Apply Now for Winning Workplaces Awards

NCEO founder and senior staff member

Once again, it is time to think about applying for the annual Winning Workplaces awards. If your company has 750 or fewer full-time equivalent employees, you are eligible. The award is being cosponsored by Inc. magazine. Of the past 45 winners, 15 have been NCEO members, and of the past 105 finalists (35 per year) about a third has been NCEO members as well. Ten of the 15 winners last year now share ownership with at least some of their employees. I don't have any specific data, but I am sure that a very high percentage of NCEO members who apply at least make it to the finalist round. The process once the evaluation actually starts also provides good feedback for your company even if you do not win.

There is a $100 application fee, but the actual application process is not too complicated, and the initial application is very short. Winners will be announced in the June issue of Inc., so it is good publicity for your company. The deadline is January 22. You can learn more at this link. To apply, go to this link.

Please remember on the nominating form to indicate we referred you. That will make it easier for us to track how successful our members are.