Become an NCEO member.

Get the advice and education you need with member webinars, personalized support, and more.

Easily connect with the employee ownership community through events and networking.

Support the mission to preserve and expand employee ownership to the benefit of employees, businesses, and the economy.


Supported by our members, the NCEO helps employee ownership thrive.

We produce practical resources for employee-owned companies.

We conduct research on ESOPs, including showing the economic benefits of employee ownership.

We advise lawmakers on the best ways to encourage employee ownership.

We educate business owners about how employee ownership works and how it can benefit their company.

We facilitate connections through our network of members.

And much more - join us today.

Conference advice


Learn about any ESOP topic with NCEO webinars. Live webinars offer continuing education credit and members can access our library of recorded webinars 24/7.
All live webinars

Ready-to-use documents

Download sample documents and checklists from trusted sources covering topics such as setting up an ESOP, fiduciary duties, and much more.
All member resources

Personalized support

Call or email our expert staff to get answers to your questions.
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Stay up to date on ideas and developments in employee ownership with the Employee Ownership Report, our bimonthly member newsletter.
All member resources

ESOP-only captive insurance

The NCEO’s captive insurance, OWN Health, allows members to collectively control their health insurance coverage and reduce costs.
More info

Networking opportunities

Take advantage of exclusive networking opportunities at our educational events like the Fall ESOP Forum and Annual Conference.
All events

Exclusive content

Access resources like summary research reports, an ESOP Lender Directory, Q&A database, and more.
All member resources

Preferential prices

Get preferential prices on almost every resource we produce, including events, publications, research, and more.
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Employee coverage

Are you considering employee ownership or are already an employee-owned company? Your membership covers all of your colleagues.
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