Policy on Use of NCEO Content
All content on our website is copyright-protected, and you may not copy any content from our website except in accord with this policy.
On our public documents (i.e., documents that are available to people who are not logged in as members), you are welcome to quote up to 100 words as long as you acknowledge the NCEO as the authors and provide a link to the article that you're quoting. We require you to obtain prior written permission for longer excerpts. We will not unreasonably withhold permission.
For protected documents, including newsletter articles, you can quote up to 50 words or summarize our findings, although we encourage you to talk with us before you do so we can be sure you are using the most up-to-date information and that you are accurately citing our work. We require you to obtain prior written permission for longer excerpts. We will not unreasonably withhold permission.
Some of our content is intended to be reposted on other sites, such as our infographics. Such documents clearly indicate that they may be copied, reposted, or recirculated.
How we can help
We encourage people to refer to and cite the work we do. One of our roles is to disseminate the information to as many readers as possible, and we can help you effectively talk about employee ownership in many ways.
We warmly encourage you to share links to our website.
Some of our materials are designed to be in the public domain, and we encourage you to post them, share them, cite them, and make them as broadly available as possible.
We enjoy writing and can often prepare content custom written for members. We can also prepare videos and graphics, and we are open to creative ideas!
Why we limit permission
We work hard to prepare credible, professional information, and we limit access to that information for several reasons.
Web search engines penalize duplicate content: When our content is duplicated elsewhere, it harms our search engine placement in various ways. Search engine results are one of the primary drivers of the ability of organizations to be effective, so copying NCEO material concretely harms the NCEO.
Information gets out-of-date: We have found NCEO articles posted as current resources on other organizations’ websites that are more than a decade old and refer to outdated information, NCEO staff who have retired, and/or use our old logo. Such stale information does a disservice to employee ownership and damages not only the host’s credibility but also the NCEO’s.
As for members-only content, NCEO members generously fund our ongoing efforts, and they deserve to have privileged access to the content we create for them.