July 31, 2008

Are You an Inner City 100 Company?

NCEO founder and senior staff member

The NCEO is partnering with the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) on a project to encourage employee ownership in inner cities. One way we can bring more attention to the idea of employee ownership in these communities is to highlight examples of fast-growing employee ownership companies in these areas. The Inner City 100 is an annual list of the fastest-growing inner-city companies. The winners will receive considerable national attention, including in Business Week Small Business. Last year, an ESOP company and NCEO member, Giroux Glass, was one of the 100 companies and won the Dorothy A. Terrell Community Impact Award, named in honor of the ICIC's former President and CEO. Companies are judged for the extent to which they create jobs, income, and wealth for the residents of the inner-city locations in which they operate. Inner cities are defined as economically distressed urban areas. To apply, go here.