March 3, 2014

Dean Schroeder on Employee Ownership and Innovation

Executive Director

One of the most compelling books on management and innovation is Ideas Are Free by Dean Schroeder and Alan Robinson. Schroeder and Robinson update their ideas in a forthcoming book, The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-Up Ideas, and Schroeder will be the keynote speaker at the NCEO's annual conference (April 8 to 10 in Atlanta).

In an article for the NCEO (see the March-April issue of the Employee Ownership Report; during March and April of this year, you also can read the article on our newsletter excerpts page), Schroeder argues "Eighty percent of a company's improvement potential is locked up in the creativity and ideas of its front-line people. Companies that are good at unlocking this potential typically implement as many as 50 ideas per employee per year and, as a result, are able to achieve exceptional performance year after year as they improve at rapid rates and are much more agile than competitors."

Join us in Atlanta to hear what Schroeder has learned about the counterintuitive principles that translate corporate-wide goals into disaggregated and operational front-line metrics. You can also learn more in their new book, which will be released on March 31, 2014, by Berrett-Koehler Publishing, an ESOP-owned company.