April 1, 2009

Do Your Cash Incentive Plans Work?

NCEO founder and senior staff member

The NCEO is revising our book on incentive compensation plans, and we would love to hear from you about what your experiences, good and bad, have been. Any details of what has made plans succeed or fail would be much appreciated. We can keep your company's name anonymous if you prefer.

One of the issues the book will address is whether any incentive plan can work. Critics argue that dangling carrots in front of employee owners may be counterproductive. Incentives can easily become entitlements, can encourage people to focus too intently on one aspect of performance or another, and may send a message to people that they have to be bribed to perform. Proponents argue that well-crafted plans provide short-term rewards for employees that help keep them motivated and focused.

Email your comments to me at [email protected].