November 2, 2017

Employee-Owned Company Wins Community Award

Executive Director

Tanimura & Antle, an employee-owned agricultural firm, was recognized for its work to improve the quality of life of its workforce, both by providing housing and by increasing the safety of harvest operations. In an article about the awards, company CEO Rick Antle said:

Never has the phrase 'It takes a village' been truer. I am but one of the 2,500 strong employee owners of Tanimura & Antle who are the real recipients of this recognition. Because of [housing provided at] Spreckels Crossing, we have been able to sustain an agricultural workforce, right here, domestically. But what I am most proud of is that this year, Tanimura & Antle became an employee-owned family farm, allowing employees to earn ownership of our company through their hard work and loyalty. We know our employees are our greatest asset and that their hard work and dedication have helped us to become the vibrant, innovative company that we are today.