March 16, 2010

List of Companies with ESPPs and Other Broad-Based Equity Plans Shows Incidence of Equity Awards

NCEO founder and senior staff member

Through a painstaking process of checking individual company Web sites and corporate filings, the NCEO has compiled a list of the largest 1,800 U.S. companies that have broad-based equity plans. Of the 1,821 companies that we researched, we could confirm that 131 offer options to most or all employees, 22 offer other kinds of broad-based equity (of these, six offer options as well), and 498 have employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs). We suspect that some of the other companies on the list also have plans, but do not indicate that in their filings or in the careers section of their Web site.

The Foundation for Enterprise Development paid for part of the research, which involved weeks of staff time. The list is now available for purchase for $200 for NCEO members and $300 for non-members. The list is on an Excel spreadsheet and contains the name of the company, whether they have any kind of plan, and what kind of plan it is.