September 30, 2008

McCain Endorses ESOPs

NCEO founder and senior staff member

In a letter to the ESOP Association, Senator John McCain has said that "for millions of Americans owning a stake in the company they work for is extremely rewarding. Many Americans are able to 'work for themselves' through their participation in Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). These broadened ownership plans allow American workers the ability to participate directly in the growth and success of the companies for which they work."

"About 90 percent of ESOPs are in small businesses with less than 500 employees. We all know that small and entrepreneurial businesses are the lifeblood of the American economy. These businesses that are often unable to match the substantial health care and other benefits that are normally provided by major corporations, due to the cost, are able to provide employees increased retirement benefits and stable employment because of ESOPs. Research has shown that ESOP-owned companies are usually more productive and profitable than other companies, as well as having better survival rates."

"For these reasons, I am proud to support ESOP-owned companies and the role they play in the American economy. As President, I would endorse efforts to learn from the successes of ESOP companies and see how their positive impact can be expanded."

Earlier this year, Senator Obama also expressed support for the idea of employee ownership, but cautioned that there were circumstances where it could be too risky.