September 1, 2016

NCEO Announces the 2016 Employee Ownership 100 List

Executive Director

The NCEO's 2016 Employee Ownership 100 list includes the nation's largest companies that are at least 50% owned by an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) or other broad-based employee ownership plan.

The great majority (92%) of the companies on this list have ESOPs, and several of them have more than one plan. Other vehicles for employee ownership on this list include profit sharing plans invested in company stock, stock purchase plans, 401(k) plans, and a worker cooperative.

Many are 100% employee-owned. Seven companies are new to the list this year, and the companies featured on the list collectively employ approximately 619,000 people worldwide. This year the smallest companies on the list have 1,100 employees. In an analysis of ESOP companies on the list, an average of approximately two-thirds of employees participated in the plans.