October 15, 2013

NCEO Looking for Retired ESOP Company Executives for New Directory

Executive Director

The NCEO is creating a new directory of retired ESOP company executives who are willing to willing to share their experience and expertise, which may include working on a pro bono basis with ESOP companies considering or using an ESOP; participating in outreach programs to the press, trade associations, policy makers, and the public; and serving on ESOP company boards.

Retired executives who want to participate should submit information about themselves and their interests on our online signup form. After an NCEO staffer approves the entry, it will appear in a directory on our Web site that will be launched in the near future. So, for instance, someone might want to look for a retired ESOP executive to talk to about pros and cons of ESOPs or making an ESOP work better, or perhaps they are looking for board members. They can select that category in the directory, and see each matching person plotted on a map of the U.S.

One goal of the project is to identify people who can credibly present ESOPs to the public. The NCEO continues to encourage trade associations, as well as state and local governments, to make people more aware of ESOPs as a business transition tool, via seminars, articles, Webinars, and other means of spreading the word. Several people in several states are actively working on these projects (and making good progress), and we have developed a variety of online and print support materials.

The goal is to have a resource of people experienced with ESOPs to help people and institutions interested in employee ownership. Please pass this information on to people who might want to be involved, or, if this fits your situation now, please consider signing up. Contact Corey Rosen for more information at [email protected] or 510-208-1314).