July 1, 2009

NCEO Update

NCEO founder and senior staff member

A number of members have asked how the NCEO is faring in the recession. I am pleased (and grateful) to report that we are doing quite well. To be sure, some (but not all) measures of performance are down somewhat, and membership will drop this year slightly, but we view these results as very positive under the circumstances. While 2009 will not be the record year we experienced in 2008, it is strong year by normal standards. If we reported income the way a for-profit does, we would have a healthy profit margin. The strong results are a function of several factors. One is the exceptional staff here, with a median tenure of 10 years. The staff is constantly coming up with new cost savings and new ideas for products and services. But we also are succeeding because we have the continued support and involvement of our members, many of whom have continued that support despite economic challenges. Don't hesitate to let us know how we can serve your needs better; email NCEO Executive Director Corey Rosen at [email protected].