April 1, 2014

New Book by Dean Schroeder: The Idea-Driven Organization

Executive Director

The latest book by keynote speaker at the NCEO's annual conference, Dean Schroeder, was released yesterday by ESOP-owned Berrett-Koehler Publishers. The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-up Ideas, co-authored with Alan Robinson, draws on what the authors have learned about creating organizations "that are structured and managed to be driven by the ideas of the people what are actually doing the work and dealing with the customers."

The book will be available at the NCEO conference, and those interested can join a breakout session with Dr. Schroeder in a breakout session at the conference (see concurrent session 5 in the conference program). You may also sign up for a free Webinar with the authors held on April 2.