June 15, 2010

Twelve Minutes

NCEO founder and senior staff member

That is about as much time as you could buy with an employee ownership lawyer at the cost of a $90 NCEO introductory membership. Yet it's not uncommon for people to ponder this decision at great length and decide not to spend the money now, instead setting off on starting up their plan and continuing to run it without the resources we can provide to help you make sure you do it well. If you are not now a member, I hope you'll look around this Web site, see what we have to offer, and join.

The fact that people do this raises a larger issue in how we relate to money. When I used to work on Capitol Hill, I noticed senators could spend a long time debating a $500,000 project and a few minutes passing a multi-billion dollar budget. Small numbers are just easier to relate to. That means when companies do strategic planning, it's important to break down the costs into lost of small bites or some pretty big mistakes can be made. Not spending the $90 to join is one strategic mistake you shouldn't make. Learn more at our page on member benefits.