Tune Up Your ESOP by Working with Your Peers

The ESOP Finance Working Group is a small group of finance-focused professionals from NCEO member companies. Members of this group benefit from in-depth discussion with their peers at other ESOP companies to talk about tools, ideas, advisors, and governance. The NCEO shares some output of this group with other NCEO members.  

Each meeting will focus on a single topic to help drive the ESOP community forward and integrate finance into all areas of an organization's culture. Example topics include:

  • Incorporating ESOP repurchase obligation into forecasts
  • The relationship between strategic planning and forecasts
  • Cash management, investing, and capital expenses
  • Planning compensation and benefits in the context of repurchase obligation
  • Risk management
"Being a part of the Finance Working Group has been a wonderful experience. I’ve met other finance professionals from ESOP organizations who are responsible for accounting and strategic issues similar to the ones I focus on. We’ve been able to bounce ideas off each other and share suggestions for policies and procedures. If I come across a topic or issue that I want other perspectives on, I know I can reach out to this group for that knowledge." - Cari White, Controller, Ayers Saint Gross 

2024 Schedule

The Finance Working Group will meet online every other month in 2024. All meetings will take place from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PT | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET

  • February 21, 2024: Managing Bank/Lender Relations During the ESOP Lifecycle
  • April 17, 2024: Executive Compensation and/ LTIP
  • June 26, 2024: Financial Planning & Analysis
  • August 21, 2024: Cyber Security
  • October 6, 2024: TBD
  • December 18, 2024: Strategic Planning 

Leadership Group

The purpose of the ESOP Finance Working Group (FWG) is to improve employee-owned companies by providing a forum for them to share ideas, questions, challenges, and best practices with each other. It exists solely to support NCEO's company members, and participants are warmly welcome to share documents with each other.

The FWG is supported by NCEO staff and led by a leadership group from employee-owned companies. The leadership group is Angie Justman (MSA Professional Services), Ben Schweers (TMF Plastic Solutions), Susan Kildahl (NHS Northstar), Jessica Brandenburg (MyPath), and Jeff Behrens (SCIPI). 

Let's Get Started

If you'd like join the ESOP Finance Working Group for the 2024 cycle, complete the form below to get started. Please note, that this group is a benefit of NCEO membership; active membership is required to join. Not an NCEO member? Join today to receive this, among other benefits. Have additional questions? Please reach out to Lindsay Isaac for additional information.