What If Amazon Shared Ownership the Way Sears Did?

For those of a certain age (like me), Sears was the Amazon of its day. You could get almost anything but food in a Sears catalogue, and its stores were ubiquitous. My first house in the San Francisco Bay area was built in 1906 with plans from Sears. Early in his life my dad sold shoes for Sears.

What Makes for a Good Business Forecast?

The Department of Labor has made it clear in its various process agreements with ESOP fiduciaries that it wants ESOP companies to be more prudent in how they prepare forecasts for appraisals.
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What Should an ESOP Board Compensation Committee Do?

Fifty-seven percent of ESOP company boards have a compensation committee, increasingly made up in part or entirely by outside directors. What should these committees be doing to make sure compensation is handled appropriately?
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Who Should Own Your Business After You? A Virtual Learning Series

Making employee ownership thrive includes increasing the number of employee-owners. As part of our mission, we produce events and disseminate information about establishing ESOPs to businesses across the U.S. We are announcing "Who Should Own Your Business After You?," a feasibility meeting series.

Wilmington Trust and DOL Reach $88M Settlement

In a press release issued on April 30, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it had reached an agreement with Wilmington Trust "to pay a combined $80 million to 21 employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) for which it serv