Donate to the NCEO
Helping employee ownership thrive
Thank you for considering a donation!
The NCEO prides itself on its nonprofit business model, which has allowed us to operate for nearly 40 years primarily off of membership dues, event registrations, and book sales.
Donations enable us to go above and beyond our usual operations, allowing us to produce new and innovative research, reach new audiences with larger outreach campaigns, and support other organizations in the field. Any and all work done with the support of donations goes towards our mission to make employee ownership thrive.
The NCEO is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep a copy of your receipt, and we will send a digital confirmation of your donation for your records.
To make a donation to the NCEO general fund, use the form on this page. See below for information on our special charitable funds.
Special funds
The NCEO and EOX, as a part of our NCEOX Initiative, are proud to announce the launch of the NCEOX Inclusivity Fund. With support from our friends at ESOP-owned Panagora Group, we are using this crucial moment in our economic history to leverage the benefits of employee ownership to address both racial and gender wealth disparities.