January 3, 2018

Employee Ownership in the Harvard Business Review

Executive Director

The January-February 2018 issue of the Harvard Business Review includes the article More Than a Paycheck (HBR allows the general public to view three articles per month), by Dennis Campbell, John Case, and Bill Fotsch. The article makes the case for employee ownership, concluding:

American business finds itself in an unusual position today. The decline in the good blue-collar jobs of an earlier era has contributed to stagnating wages among the bottom 80% of U.S. households, feeding growing levels of discontent. Governments have for the most part been unable or unwilling to address this situation. Many voters don't even believe that they should. But here is an arena where business can take the lead. Almost any company can set up some kind of system that encourages employee ownership, profit sharing, or both. Most can create a culture that helps employees learn the business and improve its results and that puts more money in their pockets right away. Executives who adopt such a system will find that they are pioneers in addressing one of America's most pressing problems—and, most likely, that their company performs better than it did before.