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Employee Ownership Blog

ESOP Companies: Take the ESOP Topics Survey!


Our Spring 2020 ESOP Topics survey is now open and collecting responses from ESOP companies. Take the survey at this link. The survey includes questions about measures companies are taking to handle the COVID-19 crisis. It also asks about healthcare costs and other topics. All responses are fully confidential, and no identifying information will be included in the results we report. The questionnaire is available as a PDF here. 

We are using this data to help inform the ESOP community and to pool ideas and information. Full results will be available in June, free to NCEO members and survey respondents. The survey close date has been extended to June 5 to allow more companies to respond. 

Please contact NCEO research director Nancy Wiefek with any questions at nwiefek [at] or 510-208-1314.

Update on June 1: the survey has been taken by 168 ESOP companies. At this point, around 15% of responding companies have performed or are thinking of performing an interim valuation. Of responding companies that received a PPP loan, approximately 8% are expecting a substantial portion of the loan (more than 20%) not to quality for forgiveness.