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Employee Ownership Blog

New Research and Employment Opportunities in Employee Ownership

New Fellowships Available in Employee Ownership Research

The Institute for Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at Rutgers University will offer approximately 10 competitive research fellowships for the 2025–2026 academic year. Several $50,000, $25,000, and $10,000 fellowships will be offered. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2025.

The new Pete Stavros Fellowships in the Economics of Employee Share Ownership are also now open for applications. All questions about the Fellowship Program should be directed to Bethany Dennis at, who now administers the program.

North Carolina Employee Ownership Center Seeks Executive Director

The North Carolina Employee Ownership Center (NCEOC) is looking for a full-time director.  The NCEOC’s mission is to protect jobs, increase community wealth, and create a more vibrant, inclusive economy through employee ownership. The NCEOC is one of 19 state centers under the Employee Ownership Expansion Network (EOX). The NCEO has partnered with the EOX to help spread employee ownership.