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Employee Ownership Blog

Corey Rosen

Massachusetts House Passes Bill to Establish State Employee Ownership Center

Massachusetts House Bill 5007, “An Act relating to economic growth and relief for the Commonwealth,” has passed the Massachusetts House without dissent. Among its many provisions, it would establish the Massachusetts Employee Ownership Center within the state government. In 2019, the state agreed to fund the Center as a separate entity operated by the ICA Group, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit that provides employee ownership consulting.

Loren Rodgers

The NCEO Welcomes Our New Senior Director of Events

The NCEO is delighted to announce that, following a national job search, we have filled a new position that will oversee all of the NCEO's in-person and virtual events. The new position, our senior director of events, will be filled by Jaymie Oviedo, who is moving to this position from her prior NCEO staff role as our conference coordinator.

Guenevere Abernathy

The Time for Employee Ownership Is Now

It’s a uniquely exciting time to be in the employee ownership space. Multiple pieces of legislation are being introduced and voted on both federally and in states across the nation. State centers around the country are back hosting in-person events that are boldly moving the employee ownership community forward. And here in North Carolina, we’re on the ground helping make employee ownership happen.

Corey Rosen

Can ESOPs Help Recreate Social Trust in America?

America is facing a crisis of social trust. Measure after measure confirms we increasingly don’t trust our institutions or each other. There are a lot of reasons for this, including people being less involved in group activities, the rise of the internet, cable news, and growing economic insecurity. This is all made worse by the fact that a tiny percentage of the population owns most of America, creating a sense among all sides that the system is just unfair.