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Employee Ownership Blog

Trump Selects Daniel Aronowitz to Head EBSA

President Donald Trump selected fiduciary insurance company executive Daniel Aronowitz to head the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA). Aronowitz currently is the head of Encore Fiduciary (formerly Euclid Fiduciary). The company provides fiduciary insurance, fidelity bonds, cybersecurity insurance, and fiduciary insurance consulting. He is the author of the Fiduciary Liability Insurance Handbook. The book’s only mention of ESOPs is to say that this kind of fiduciary insurance is more costly than that needed for other retirement plans.

If approved by the Senate, Aronowitz would succeed Lisa M. Gomez and work under Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Trump’s pick for Secretary of Labor, who is also up for Senate approval. Chavez-DeRemer has been an ESOP advocate; Aronowitz does not appear to have taken any public position on ESOPs.