No Options for Starbucks Employees in India

Starbucks famously offers stock options to most of its employees, but its joint venture with India's Tata Teas will not offer stock options to its Indian employees, according to

Excellence in Ownership Awards: Nominations Open Until February 28!

The Excellence in Ownership Awards recognize employee-owned companies that have demonstrated a commitment to promoting employee ownership and innovation in their workplaces. These companies and their employees often emerge as industry leaders, pioneering best practices in a range of areas.

Royal Dutch Shell Wins Employee Ownership Award

The UK's Employee Share Ownership Centre announced yesterday that Royal Dutch Shell had won its award for "the best employee share ownership plan worldwide." The program at Royal Dutch Shell, open to 29,000 employees in 80 countries, offers a 15% discount.

UK Government Endorses Action to Increase Employee Ownership

The United Kingdom's new Minister for Employment Relations, Jo Swinson, released a blueprint on Tuesday to encourage employee ownership of companies, saying "We will address one of the biggest barriers to take-up of employee ownership schemes: awareness that it exists" and described the goal as c

Facebook Unlocks Employee Shares

Amid media speculation about the impact of a flood of employees selling shares, Facebook shares were on a gradual decline in the days leading up to October 29, the day employee shares were to be released from lock-up.

Run for the NCEO's Board of Directors

Would you like to help the NCEO fulfill its mission to provide accurate, reliable information about employee ownership? If you are interested in serving on our board of directors, please nominate yourself, and if you know someone who would be interested, please encourage them to do so.

DOL Alleges Overvaluation of ESOP Stock

The Department of Labor filed a lawsuit against Sierra Aluminum Co and GreatBanc Trust based on an investigation by the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA).

2013 Tax Rates and Equity Compensation

Uncertainty about the state of the tax code in 2013 is creating some difficult decisions for companies and individuals with stock plans.

Human Impact of Employee Ownership in the UK

A four-year study of 1,500 employees primarily at companies in the UK with all-employee share plans found that plan participants reported a number of positive results.