How Many ESOPs Could There Be?

No one knows the number of companies that are reasonable candidates for ESOPs, but census data provides a place to start. According to the U.S.

UK Has New Minister for Employee Ownership

Jo Swinson, a Liberal Democrat member of parliament, has replaced Norman Lamb as the minister of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the agency that oversees employee ownership.

AICPA Revises Its Publication on Valuing Stock in Private Companies

The American Institute of CPAs is revising its publication Valuation of Privately Held Company Equity Securities Issued as Compensation. It is seeking input on the chapter on valuing closely held securities; comments should be provided by October 1, 2012.

Roy Messing Becomes Director of Ohio Employee Ownership Center

Roy Messing, who has worked at the Ohio Employee Ownership Center since 2008, became its director, effective as of July 1. Bill McIntyre, who served as director since the death of OEOC founder John Logue, will remain on staff.

Who Does ESOP Valuations?

In response to an informal poll conducted by the NCEO, 44 ESOP appraisers indicated that they do over 3,000 valuations annually, representing approximately one-third of active ESOPs and ESOP-equivalent plans.

Upcoming Events

The Beyster Institute at UC San Diego's Rady School of Business will host an intensive management training program from October 7 to 10.

China Considers Broad-Based Employee Ownership Plan

On August 5, the Chinese news agency Xinhua announced that the China Securities Regulatory Commission had issued a draft of regulations that would allow employees of publicly traded compa

Trends in ESOP Transactions

The NCEO used data from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to estimate trends in the number of new ESOPs created from 2007 and 2011, as well as the average value of stock purchased per transaction.