New University Resource from Scotland

The Co-operative Education Trust Scotland is pleased to announce the launch of its new university resource, "Democratic Enterprise: Ethical business for the 21st century." Designed for undergraduate students, Democratic Enterprise provides an open access, introductory-level analysis of democratic

Sixth Circuit Breaks with Other Courts on Moench Presumption

In Pfeil v. State Street Bank and Trust Co., No. 10-2302 (6th Cir. Feb. 22, 2012), the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals broke with other circuit courts on the issue of when plan trustees deserve the presumption of prudence for investments in company stock (the "Moench presumption").

Second Thoughts on Floor Price Protection?

In the NCEO's new issue brief Floor Price Protection in ESOP Transactions, ESOP experts describe various approaches and issues related to providing plan participants protection against the impact of debt on stock prices after

Iowa Closer to Passing Employee Ownership Law

The Iowa House of Representatives passed a bill to encourage ESOPs in the state by a vote of 92-3. The proposal, strongly backed by the governor, now moves to the Senate, where approval seems certain.

NCEO Works with South Africa on Employee Ownership

Corey Rosen, NCEO's senior staff member, traveled to South Africa in February to meet with government officials and speak at workshops on how the South African government can expand employee ownership. There are currently an estimated 500 employee ownership plans in South Africa.

DOL Works on Re-Proposal

Louis Campagna of the Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration said on February 2 that when it re-proposes its regulation on plan fiduciaries it will focus on appraisals that are used in transactions.

White House Budget and ESOPs

The Obama administration's revenue proposals include one item specific to ESOPs. The administration notes that current law is unclear about whether transfer of qualified replacement property to a spouse should trigger tax on the amount of capital gains originally deferred in an ESOP transaction.