Oxford Launches Employee Ownership Job-Creation Awards

The Saïd School of Business at Oxford has announced a new award for employee ownership companies. The Owl Award recognizes job creation and companies that are 20% or more employee-owned are eligible.

NCEO Board Nominations Close December 19

People interested in serving on the NCEO's board of directors should submit their nomination before December 19. To begin the self-nomination process, view our resource page for prospective board members.

Company Stock in 401(k) Plans

Reuters reporter Mark Miller looked at trends in company stock holdings in public company 401(k) plans and published a list of the companies with the highest concentration of p

ESOP Company Executive Compensation Survey Launched

The NCEO's third survey of executive compensation practices in ESOP companies is now open. Click here to complete the survey. For your participation, you will receive a summary of the data (if you so request).

Innovations Award Nominations Being Accepted

The Innovations in Employee Ownership Award recognizes innovative practices that result from having an engaged workforce of employee-owners, as well as ideas that tie stock to improved company culture or performance.

More Details Emerge on Zimbabwe's Employee Ownership Plan

According to an October 11, 2011, article from the Herald, the government-owned newspaper of Zimbabwe, 5% of the shares in public companies in Zimbabwe have been set aside for employees, with a special preference

NCEO Board Nominations Now Open

The NCEO will hold its annual election for board members in January, and we are accepting self-nominations through December 19. Board members serve three-year terms at their own expense.

Mitt Romney and ESOPs

If elected, Mitt Romney would be the first U.S. president to have direct experience with ESOPs. Bain and Company, which Romney once headed, set up an ESOP in 1985, paying what in retrospect appeared to be an inflated price for 30% of the company.