Help Set NCEO's Equity Compensation Webinar Schedule

Through October 31, we are running an online survey on which equity compensation Webinar topics you'd like us to address in 2012. Please take a minute to complete the survey and let us know.

Free Webinar Replays

If you are curious about the NCEO's recorded Webinars on ESOP topics, you can try them for free.

Introducing the Equity Compensation Report

When it comes to stock options, restricted stock, and other forms of equity compensation, a review of existing publications gives the impression that these plans exist only in public companies and usually only apply to a minority of employees.

Two Legal Staffing Companies Adopt ESOP

Mestel & Company and Hire Counsel, two companies that provide legal recruiting and staffing services, became the first companies in their field to adopt an ESOP (which will cover participants from both companies). The ESOP will cover employees and attorneys who work on a contract basis.

BNA to Be Acquired by Bloomberg

The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA), a pillar of inside-the-beltway journalism and an employee-owned company since 1947, has entered an agreement with Bloomberg, which plans to buy all of BNA's shares.

Discounted CEP Registration for NCEO Members

The Certified Equity Professional Institute (CEPI) at Santa Clara University offers the only recognized certification for the equity compensation industry.

NCEO Sponsors E*Trade's Private Company Forum

The NCEO will sponsor A Forum for Private Companies on October 27, 2011 in Palo Alto, CA. The forum is an E*TRADE Directions Event, featuring expert-led sessions on trends and risks facing fast-growing private companies.

Employee Ownership on the Cover

The cover of the September issue of Business & Industry Connection asks its readers to "imagine the results when every employee is an owner." The

Employee Ownership and the Development of Human Capital

An article in the current issue of Economic and Industrial Democracy (vol. 32, no. 3) draws on data from the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey to examine whether employee ownership companies invest more in skills training for their employees.

New Member Resources from the NCEO

The members area of the NCEO's Web site now includes an index of research reports available at no charge to members. Topics include the ESOP repurchase obligation, executive compensation, corporate governance and more.