New Data on the Number of ESOPs

In mid-April the NCEO released its most recent estimates of the number of ESOPs and ESOP-equivalent plans.

Employee Ownership Common in China, But Rules Are Uncertain

Broad-based employee ownership appears to be a very common practice in China, especially for divesting government-owned enterprises. But finding useful data or analyses of just how widespread the practice is or how it is structured is very difficult. A recent paper provides some clues.

2011 Innovations Awards Winners

At a ceremony during the annual employee ownership conference in Denver, three companies received the Innovations in Employee Ownership Award: an engineering and architecture firm, a company that makes after-market automotive products, and a third-party insurance claims administrator.

Column by Corey Rosen

While Corey is no longer writing this column, you can see his most recent thinking in his column Observations on Employee Ownership.

From the New Executive Director

Thank you to all the people who have been so warm and supportive of me as I begin my tenure as the NCEO's executive director. I am thrilled and humbled by the opportunity to preserve the quality and integrity you expect from the NCEO, and I am excited to expand that range of what we offer.

House Members Introduce Pro-ESOP Legislation

On March 29, Congressman Ron Kind (D-WI) introduced the "Promotion and Expansion of Private Employee Ownership Act of 2011." The bill is cosponsored by Reps. David G. Reichert (R-WA), Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-LA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Erik Paulsen (R-MN), and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).

Directed Trustees Can Take Many Roles

Over the years, we have talked to many companies that have directed trustees, usually an outside institution. Directed trustees have very limited fiduciary responsibility.