ESOP Improvements Act Introduced in Congress

Each Congress, ESOP advocates, working with the ESOP Association, introduce the ESOP Improvements Act. The bill's supporters do not expect the bill to pass per se, but it serves as a useful tool for proposing amendments to any tax legislation that comes up.

The Better the ESPP, the Better the Return on Investment

In the NCEO's new survey on employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), we found that the better the terms of the plan, the better the return on investment plan administrators believed the company received from having a plan.

ESOP Valuations in the Downturn

It is far from a scientific sample, but ESOP valuation advisors are generally telling us that their clients are doing about as well as or somewhat better than non-ESOP clients in terms of their stock values.

11 of 35 Winning Workplaces Awards Finalists Are NCEO Members

Eleven of the 35 finalists for the annual Winning Workplaces Awards are NCEO members. Ten of these have ESOPs. This continues a pattern in which NCEO members consistently account for about one-third of the finalists and winners of Winning Workplaces' Top Small Workplaces awards.

The Pope and Employee Ownership

In his new encyclical, Caritats in Veritate, Pope Benedict states that "alongside profit-oriented private enterprise and the various types of public enterprise, there must be room for commercial entities based on mutualist principles and pursuing social ends to take root and express themse