Median Sale Price for Businesses Down 27% in 2008

Business Valuation Resources in Portland, Oregon, estimates that the median sale price of a closely held company fell from $551,000 to $400,000 in 2008. Presumably, it is down even farther now. Median net sales fell from $1.03 million to $804,000.

Don't Pay a Percentage of a Transaction to Set Up an ESOP

Recently, I got a call from a financial advisor. His client was thinking of setting up an ESOP as a business transition tool for a $15 million company. The client had been approached by a New York investment banking company that quoted them a fee of three percent of the transaction.

Special Employee Voting Rights End at SAIC

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), once the second-largest majority employee-owned company in the U.S., has changed its stock structure to eliminate the 10-to-1 voting rights that preferred shares held by employees were given when the company went public three years ago.

SEC Approves Path for Monetizing Employee Options

On June 17, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a new rule allowing employees with vested stock options to use them as collateral to purchase call options on the same company's stock as a way to obtain some cash value for the shares they can exercise.

Things Not to Do in an ESOP

We have just started work on a book of things not to do in an ESOP. We'll be covering a whole range of bad choices, from the imprudent to the ill-considered to the illegal, in each case basing a general principle on one or more brief case histories (often anonymous).

NCEO Update

A number of members have asked how the NCEO is faring in the recession. I am pleased (and grateful) to report that we are doing quite well.

Rutgers Announces Shared Capitalism Fellowship Awards

Rutgers University's School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) announced that 11 top experts and up-and-coming scholars of employee ownership, profit sharing, and broad-based stock options have been awarded fellowships to study the role that shared capitalism plays in corporations and the e

Employee Ownership 100 List for 2009

Our Employee Ownership 100 list tracks the largest 100 employee-owned companies in the U.S. (ranked by the number of employees).