New NCEO Report Looks at Equity Issues in the Downturn

A new NCEO issue brief, Equity Compensation in a Down Market: Repricing, Accounting, ESPP, and Employee Communications Issues, examines issues that arise in dealing with equity compensation plans in a down

French Executives Give Up Options, Give Them to Employees

Under intense pressure from the public, striking workers, and Sarkozy government, the two top executives at the French utility GDF Suez have given up their stock options and instead will use the money to provide options to 8,000 individual employees and 4.4 million free shares to its 200,000 empl

Do Your Cash Incentive Plans Work?

The NCEO is revising our book on incentive compensation plans, and we would love to hear from you about what your experiences, good and bad, have been. Any details of what has made plans succeed or fail would be much appreciated. We can keep your company's name anonymous if you prefer.

NCEO Partners in New Technology to Predict Effects of Executive Pay

OAKLAND, Calif., April 1: The National Center for Employee Ownership, working in conjunction with a major medical imaging company, will soon announce a breakthrough technology to help companies better measure how varying approaches to executive compensation affect executive performance.

Grant Thornton Survey Looks at Equity Plans for Broad Range of Companies

A new Grant Thornton survey of 227 organizations ranging from small businesses to large enterprises, 87% of which are for-profit corporations, found that 37% of public companies plan to increase the number of shares available for awards in 2009, 34% will make no changes, and 28% will decrease the

New Estimates of the Number of ESOPs and of Plan Assets and Participants

We have completely revised our estimating techniques for ESOPs and plans that function like ESOPs (stock bonus plans and profit sharing plans primarily invested in company stock) to create a more accurate and conservative estimate of the number of plans, how many participants they have, and the v