ESOP Valuations and the Downturn

Closely held ESOP companies will face the probability of declining stock value even if their business is holding up. ESOP valuation specialists tell us that the multiples they use to value businesses will drop to reflect the declining multiples paid for companies in general.

Political Prospects for Employee Ownership

The new Congress and Administration will be under increased pressure to reduce employee holdings of company stock in retirement plans. Many financial advisors have been urging such restrictions in the last several weeks.

Repricing Options Gaining Momentum

After the dot-com bust, many companies decided to reprice their deeply underwater stock options, often more than once.

New Resource on Employee Ownership Cases, a compendium of case studies for business schools and other users, has compiled a large number of employee ownership case studies. Some are from the NCEO, others are from academic journals and papers.

A Cautionary Tale About Planning for the Repurchase Obligation

The Antioch Company in Yellow Springs, OH, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Antioch is one of the more remarkable ESOP stories. A small printing company with a long history of pro-employee policies, it set up an ESOP in 1979.

French Government Renews Push for Broader Employee Ownership

Early in his administration, French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed new legislation to encourage more broad-based employee ownership, but his political problems put that on hold. Now the worldwide financial crisis has given the concept new life.