New Data on Who Gets Stock Options

A 2007 Bureau of Labor Statistics survey indicates that about 8% of all private sector employees (about 9 million people) have stock options.

Private Letter Ruling Suggests C ESOPs Can Go Over 25% of Pay Limit

In PLR 200732028, the IRS ruled that a C corporation ESOP can contribute up to 25% of pay to cover principal payments on an ESOP loan, plus contribute up to 25% of pay in addition if the contributions are not used to repay either principal or interest on the loan.

NCEO Book Club

If there is sufficient interest, the NCEO will start a management book club. Any member could suggest a book for interested people to read. Thoughts and reviews would be posted on the Web site in the members' area, and a conference call could be arranged to discuss the book.

Are REITs Qualified Replacement Property?

In the August 7 issue of the BNA Pension Reporter, noted tax analyst Robert Willens, a managing director at Lehman Brothers, argued that real estate investment trusts (REITs) that perform active and substantial management duties should be eligible as qualified replacement property under Se

ESOP Tax Cost Projected at $1.89 Billion

The Office of Management and Budget has calculated the costs of special ESOP tax benefits at $1.89 billion for 2007, rising to $2.67 billion by 2012.

SEC Proposes Not to Count Options for 500-Shareholder Rule

On July 5, 2007, the SEC issued a proposal to exempt certain stock options and their underlying shares from the current rule that they be counted toward the 500-shareholder rule requiring companies to comply with securities laws if they have more than 500 shareholders and $10 million in assets.

An ESOP for Dow Jones?

Ron Burkle of Yucaipa Capital and Brad Greenspan, an Internet entrepreneur, are proposing to buy the Dow Jones Company, publisher of the Wall Street Journal, using an ESOP as part of the transaction.

Employee Ownership Effort in Bangladesh

The Institute for Integrated Rural Development, a nonprofit organization in Bangladesh, is starting a 534-employee employee-owned garment manufacturing business for poor rural women in the country.