ESOPs Continue Growth in 2006

Based on data from the Department of Labor and the IRS, the NCEO estimates that in 2006 that the number of ESOPs and stock bonus plans grew by approximately 5% over the 2005 numbers. Plan assets grew to approximately $675 billion, up about 12% from the prior year.

Termination Rate for ESOPs Seems to Be Slowing

In the past five years, ESOP terminations are running about one-third below their rate in the 1990s. While it is too early to tell if this represents a long-term trend, it also semes unlikely simply to be a statistical fluke.

Rebuilder of Bay Area Freeway That Collapsed ESOP-Owned

The collapse of a section of freeway in the San Francisco area in April made national news. The state of California contracted with employee-owned C.C. Myers, Inc. to repair the critical road, offering bonuses if the project was finished early.

Zions Bancorporation Completes Successful ESOARS Auction

On May 8, Zions Bancorporation successfully completed its auction of Employee Stock Option Appreciation Rights Securities (ESOARS). ESOARS are traded securities meant to track the value of employee stock options the bank has issued. Employees had received options at a strike price of $83.25.

New Data on ESOP Persistence over Time

A new analysis by the NCEO shows that of the ESOPs set up in the 1970s, about 20% still survive today, while about 40% of those set up in the 1980s do, and more than half of the ESOPs established in the 1990s still exist.

Employee Turnover Has Not Changed Much in Last 25 Years

The conventional wisdom holds that employee turnover has grown over recent decades. Whereas employees often sought and got lifetime jobs in the past, this wisdom holds, now they tend to move around much more.

Value of Stock Options Grants Declines

A new survey from Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that the value of stock options (based on the Black-Scholes formula) dropped 71% between 2001 (its peak) and 2005, falling from $137 billion to $40 billion. The value of options declined 32% just from 2004 to 2005.