IRS Issues Final Rules on Deductions for Repurchase of ESOP Shares

On August 30th, the IRS published final regulations disallowing deductions for the repurchase of ESOP shares (26 CFR, Part 1, TD 9282). The regulations were necessitated because of a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision (Boise Cascade Corporation v.

Section 409(A) Deferred Compensation Regulations Still on Hold

Final regulations on deferred compensation rules under Internal Revenue Code Section 409(A) still have not been issued, leading many observers to believe the rules will allow companies until the end of 2007, rather than 2006, to amend current plans to make them compliant with the new requirements

Sprint Settlement Reached

The class action lawsuit against trustees of the Sprint Corporation's 401(k) plan was one of the largest "stock-drop" lawsuits to date. It has now been settled out of court for a relatively modest $25 million. Each class member will get $63 in cash.

Blue Heron Paper Now Employee-Owned

Blue Heron Paper in Oregon City, Oregon, is now 100% owned by its ESOP. The company is one of a small number of companies where an ESOP was used to rescue a plant from closing.

Web Site Lists ERISA Company Stock Suit Settlements

Fiduciary Counselors, an independent fiduciary company, has compiled a very useful table of all the settlements involving employer stock as well as other ERISA class action litigation over the last 10 years.

887 Companies Accelerated Options Vesting

According to a study by Jack Ciesielski of the Analyst's Accounting Observer Newsletter, 887 companies accelerated options vesting between 2004 and 2006, thus avoiding reporting an estimated $6 billion in accounting costs.

Backdating Scandal Continues to Spread; Employee Suits Expected

Over 100 companies are now reported to be under investigation, internally or by the SEC, for backdating their stock options (recording the grant date as being a prior date when the stock price was low) or "spring-loading" their options (issuing options just before issuing good news).

The New Pension Law and ESOPs

The new pension bill has only a limited impact on ESOPs. For the vast majority of ESOPs, the only significant impact is the new vesting rules.

ESOP Participants More Engaged at Work

In a study of over 5,000 participants in nine ESOP companies, Robert Buchele, Douglas Kruse, and Joseph Blasi found that employees in ESOP companies appear to be more engaged than employees in general.