Congress Passes Pension Reform Bill

On July 28, Congress passed the pension reform bill as approved by a House-Senate conference committee. If the bill is signed by the President, employee ownership plans will be affected in a number of ways, as outlined below.

New Study Shows Options Usage Up for Executives

Then overwhelming conventional wisdom has been that options accounting rules would dampen the use of options for top executives. Maybe not, it turns out. According to a New York Times article (July 17, 2006), a new unpublished study by H.

Twenty-Nine Percent of Companies May Have Backdated Options

According to a new study by Eric Lie and Randall Heron, 29.2% of companies issuing options to executives and/or directors between 1996 and 2002 have grant date patterns that suggest backdating or other manipulative practices (such as "spring-loading," the announcement of a grant before good news

House Passes Pension Reform Bill

On July 28, the House passed a pension reform bill approved by a House-Senate conference committee. If the bill is passed by the Senate, employee ownership plans will be affected in a number of ways, as outlined below.

Eight Percent of Employees Had Options in 2005

According to the National Compensation Survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8% of the work force (about 10 million employees) have "access" to stock options, defined as the right to buy stock at a fixed price for a fixed period of time.

A More Rational Reason for Backdating

Previous installments of this column have reported on the backdating scandal, in which many companies are being scrutinized for grants of stock options that were either recorded as being granted at a prior date when the stock price was especially low ("backdating") or granted just before favorabl

Study Finds Expensing May Affect Stock Prices

An analysis by Credit Suisse of the 236 S&P 500 companies for which First Call included consensus analyst estimates of the impact of options expensing on share prices found that for most companies, the impact was small and short-lived, but for the 47 where it was "material" (causing a decline