FASB Moves Towards Final Staff Guidance on Equity Plan Tax Effects

Perhaps the most complicated rules for expensing equity plan compensation are those concerning tax effects. Particularly troubling for many companies has been how to handle transitional issues moving from APB 25 to FAS123(R) for the "additional paid-in capital" attributable to tax effects.

New Data on Broad-Based Ownership Plans in Global Companies

The "2005 Global Equity Incentives Survey Report" from PricewaterhouseCoopers shows that 24.4% of the 82 respondents with U.S. employees make all staff eligible for options, 4.8% make all staff eligible for restricted stock units, and 5.6% for restricted stock.

Federal Regulators Probe Option Backdating

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating a broad pattern of felicitously timed stock option grants, looking into the possibility that they were improperly backdated.

Internal Equity and Executive Pay

Despite increasing unease with the levels of top executive compensation, a recent WatsonWyatt/WorldatWork study shows that 73% of large companies want their top executives to be at or above the medi

Employer Stock in 401(k) Plans Drops

A new, definitive study of employee investments in 401(k) plans shows that the percentage of allocations going to company stock has gradually declined from a high of 19% in 1996 to 15% in 2004. Moreover, younger workers are less likely to invest in company stock than older ones.

NCEO Board Nominees Sought

The NCEO's annual board elections will be held in January by email. Board members serve for a three-year term and can run for reelection one time. Board members must attend the annual board meeting just before the annual conference and be available for periodic conference calls.

New Study Looks at Impact of Executive and Broad-Based Options

In "Executive and Broad-Based Stock Options: Evidence from U.S. Panel Data," James Sesil of Rutgers and Yu Peng Li of the State University of New York at Buffalo look the performance of 291 companies after the introduction of both executive and broad-based options.

New Regulations on Deferred Compensation Issued

The Treasury Department and IRS have issued proposed regulations on deferred compensation under Section 409A, which governs nonqualified deferred compensation to employees, directors or other service providers.