ESOP Companies Rely on Board Alone to Set Executive Pay

According to an NCEO survey of 204 closely held ESOP companies, 60% of the companies have their entire boards decide on executive pay, while 15% employ outside compensation consultants, and 12% rely on a committee of independent outside board members to make the decision.

University of Wisconsin ESOP Management Program

The University of Wisconsin's Executive Education Center's excellent "Employee Ownership Management Program" will be held October 2-4 in Madison, WI. The program offers an intensive, participative investigation of how to make employee ownership work effectively.

Cox Would Implement Options Expensing

Christopher Cox (R-CA), President Bush's nominee to head the Securities and Exchange Commission was a cosponsor of the "Broad-Based Stock Option Plan Transparency Act," a bill that would limit options expensing to the top five officers of a company.

DOL Settles with Enron

The Department if Labor has settled its lawsuit with Enron Corporation over ERISA fiduciary breaches in its 401(k) plan and ESOP. The settlement gives the plans an unsecured claim of $305.36 million in Enron's bankruptcy proceedings.

Ohio Data Show ESOPs Performing Well

In a new study of 69 companies drawn from a census of Ohio ESOP companies, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center has found that 25% of the companies indicated that before the ESOP was implemented, or 10 years ago if their ESOP was older than that, their profits were better then their industry, while

Deloitte Survey Shows a Third of Companies Dropping Broad-Based Options

In its new 2005 Stock Compensation Survey, Deloitte Consulting LLP reports that 75% of responding companies plan to reduce, or had already reduced, the number of options they grant. Public companies were more likely to reduce options than private companies, by an 83% to 53% margin.

Publix Supermarkets Tops Employee Ownership 100 List

Publix Supermarkets continues to be the largest majority employee-owned company in the U.S. and, almost certainly, the world. It employs over 120,000 employees in over 800 stores in five Southern states.

Last Chance for ESOP Executive Compensation Survey

The NCEO is currently conducting a survey on executive compensation in ESOP companies. Those filling out the survey will get free access to the results. The survey deadline is July 29. To fill out the survey, go to this link.

Innovative Plan for Encouraging Employee Ownership

In the U.S., it's common for companies to provide employee ownership as a benefit. Outside the U.S., executives in most countries strongly dislike that idea. They want employees to buy stock. But how can employees do that if they have limited discretionary income?