Chair Nominee Could Change SEC Direction on Options

Christopher Cox (R-CA), President Bush's nominee to head the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was a cosponsor of the "Broad-Based Stock Option Plan Transparency Act," a bill that would limit options expensing to the top five officers of a company.

DOL Increases ESOP Activity

In 2004, the Department of Labor closed 220 cases with ESOP violations, up from 187 in 2002. In October of this year, the Department launched a special investigation of ESOP abuses.

Cisco Proposes Market Test for Options Value

Cisco Systems has proposed issuing a special security that would mimic employee stock options as a way to create a market-based valuation of the awards. Cisco has presented the idea to the Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC Chair William Donaldson has expressed interest in the idea.

IRS Drops New Attribution Rules for S ESOP Anti-Abuse Test

One of the most confusing and controversial aspects of the proposed rules for anti-abuse testing on S corporation ESOPs (Temporary and Proposed Treasury Regulation Section 1.409(p)-1 T) concerned the combination of the family attribution rules under existing tax law with the specific tests for fa

Forced Ranking of Employees a Bad Idea, Lawler Tells NCEO Meeting

At the NCEO annual conference in April, keynote speaker Ed Lawler, the dean of organizational development scholars, said that he is particularly unenthused about "forced ranking" of employees, a practice made famous by Jack Welch at GE, where all employees had performance reviews and the bottom 1

Public Company Study Says Employee Ownership Hurts Performance

In a new study by Olubunmi Faleye, Vikas Mehrotra, and Randall Morck of 225 public companies with broad employee ownership of 5% or more of a company's stock, the authors found that productivity, Tobin's Q (a ratio of the market value of a firm's securities to the replacement costs of its tangibl

Are Companies Really Cutting Back on ESPPs?

The evidence remains mixed on whether companies really will cut back in any significant way on their employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs). In a recent survey of 46 public companies that filed new or amended ESPPs, Equilar, Inc.