SEC to Delay Expensing Rules Six Months

The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recommended that the SEC commissioners vote to delay by six months the starting date for implementation of requirements that companies must expense options, and the commissioners are expected to soon do so, according to the Wall Street

Using Compensation Surveys Wisely in ESOP Companies

One of the trickiest issues for ESOPs is how to balance executive equity incentives with an ESOP. The problem has become more complicated as more ESOPs become 100% owned by the plan.

Survey of Technology Companies Show Changes in Option Plans

A 2005 Top Five survey of 42 major technology companies in Silicon Valley reports that 74% are considering replacing some of their options with other long-term incentive vehicles, with the same number considering reducing the size of their grants.

SEC Staff Issues Soothing Guidelines on New Equity Expensing Rules

In Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 107, the SEC staff has issued guidelines intended largely to assure companies that it will provide some leeway in implementing FAS 123(R) to allow for a variety of "reasonable" interpretations. Most significantly, it will allow a number of valuation formulas.

Canned Plan ESOPs

Does your ESOP come from a box? It's possible to buy a "standard" ESOP plan from developers of such documents, fill in the blanks, and send it off to the IRS.

ESOPs Have Higher Rate of Return Than 401(k) Plans

According to data from the Department of Labor's Private Pension Plan Bulletin 2004, the rate of return for ESOPs with more than 100 participants during the 1990s was about 10% better than for 401(k) plans with more than 100 participants.

ESOP Diversification Elections Vary Widely

ESOP companies must provide participants the option to diversify up to 25% of the stock in their accounts when they reach age 55 and have 10 years of plan participation. This increases to 50% at age 60. According new NCEO survey data, a majority of employees choose not to diversify.

New Congress Faces Multiple Ownership Issues

President Bush is talking a lot about the "ownership society," although employee ownership is clearly not part of that vision. But employee ownership will be on the agenda for Congress in a number of probable new and revived bills.