Pro-ESOP Legislation Introduced in Senate

S. 2298, introduced by Senator John Breaux (D-LA) on April 7, 2004, would make a number of changes in ESOP law. The bill has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee. It would:

IASB Issues Equity Accounting Exposure Draft

On February 19, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued an exposure draft of its new International Financial Reporting Standard 2, Share-based Payment.

Bi-Mart Sold to Employees

Bi-Mart, a 3,000-employee chain of 64 membership discount stores in Washington, Oregon, and Montana will be sold to an ESOP. The company could have been sold on the market, but its owners, who included the venture capital group Endeavor Capital, preferred that employees take over.

Employee Owners More Pleased With Their Financial Situation

Data from the General Social Survey from the National Opinion Research Center show that 32.1% of employees with stock or stock options in their company say they are more satisfied with their financial condition, compared to 23.1% of those without company stock.

IRS Takes Further Steps Against ESOP S Abuses

In Revenue Ruling 2004-4, the IRS ruled that ESOP S corporation structures in which individuals are given options to buy stock in subsidiaries of the parent corporation will be subject to rules limiting synthetic equity holdings of plan participants.

New Study Finds Options Effective in Up and Down Markets

In "Broad-Based Stock Options Before and After the Market Meltdown," James Sesil of Rutgers and Maya Krumova of the N.Y. Institute of Technology use NCEO lists of companies with broad-based options in 1998 and 2000 to evaluate the impact of these plans on productivity.

NCEO Issue Brief Looks at the Future of Broad-Based Stock Options

A new NCEO issue brief titled "The Future of Broad-Based Stock Options" looks at what is now the substantial body of research on this topic. The report begins with an assessment of what impact expensing stock options and other equity will have on stock prices.