IASB Postpones Decision on Equity Accounting Rules

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has postponed issuing standards for equity based compensation until the end of July 2004. It had been anticipated that a decision could be reached by the end of 2003. This will probably mean a similar delay in any final guidelines from the U.S.

Cost Accounting Standards Board Issues ESOP Reimbursement Rules

The Cost Accounting Standards Board, part of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy at the Office of Management and Budget, has issued proposed regulations on how companies with ESOPs will be reimbursed in government contracts. The issue has been controversial for over two decades.

IRS Simplifies ESOP Section 1042 Filings

In temporary regulations issued July 9 (EE-96-85), the IRS has made it easier to comply with filing requirements under Section 1042 of the Code. That section allows certain sellers to qualified ESOPs to defer capital gains taxes on the sale by reinvesting in qualified replacement property (QRP).

FAS 150 and ESOPs: Still Up in the Air

There is still no firm consensus on just what the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) really means by its new FAS 150, an accounting protocol effective December 15, 2003 for closely held companies and June 15, 2003 for public companies.

Microsoft Replaces Options With Restricted Stock

On July 8, Microsoft announced that it would replace its stock option grants with restricted stock. The company would continue to give stock awards to most employees; only the form of the award would change.