Bush Opposes McCain-Levin Stock Option Accounting Bill

President Bush told the Wall Street Journal (4/9/02) that he opposes proposals to prevent companies from taking a tax deduction for stock options they have not previously charged to earnings on their income statements.

Stark Introduces House Version of Levin-McCain Options Bill

Fortney Stark (D-CA) has introduced the House version of the "Ending the Double Standard for Stock Options Act," a bill that mirrors the Senate bill of the same title (S. 1940) introduced by Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ). The bill has two principal provisions:

New Report on Employer Stock in 401(k) Plans

A new report from the Democratic Policy Committee in the U.S. Senate shows that 40% of Fortune 50 corporations had employer stock in their plans. Seventeen of the companies had more than 50% of their assets invested in company stock.

Time Article Highlights Employee Ownership Success

The April 8 issue of Time features a story titled "We're All the Boss," highlighting how "giving workers stock helps a firm only if it also gives them a say." The story reflects NCEO research on the impact of employee ownership on employee and corporate success with employee ownership.

House and Senate Committees Pass Retirement Reform Bill

Two House committees and one Senate committee have now passed retirement reform proposals. The House Education and the Workforce Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee bills generally follow the outlines of President Bush's proposals.

Public Company ESOPs

The scenario for public company ESOPs is somewhat murkier. All the principal legislative proposals would exempt stand-alone ESOPs from any diversification requirements. However, the Kennedy bill would add the additional fiduciary and employee representation issues outlined above.

Caps on Employer Stock in Plans Appear Dead

One legislative outcome is now very clear: there will not be caps on the amount of employer stock in 401(k) plans or KSOPs, nor will employer matches of company stock receive a lower tax deduction. Proposals along these lines are receiving little support.