Kennedy Introduces Retirement Bill

Senator Edward Kennedy has introduced legislation that is expected to serve as the retirement law focus for Senate Democrats. The bill is expected to be marked up favorably by the Senate Labor Committee, but its prospects on the floor of the Senate are more uncertain.

SEC Finalizes Disclosure Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission has finalized disclosure rules for equity compensation plans. The required disclosure is in addition to SFAS 123 accounting rules that already require companies to disclose substantial information about their plans.

Levin and McCain Plan to Introduce Bill to Require Option Expensing

Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ) are introducing legislation that would prevent companies that do not record the present value cost of stock options as a charge to earnings from taking a tax deduction for the spread on the exercise of non-qualified options or disqualifying exerci

Foreign Subsidiary Participation in an ESOP Does Not Disqualify ESOP

In PLR 200205050, the IRS ruled that participation by employees of a foreign subsidiary in a U.S. company's ESOP did not disqualify the ESOP. It is common in ESOPs to exclude employees with no W-2 income, or non-resident aliens with no U.S. source income.

Non-ESOP Plan Data Subject to Discovery

Plaintiffs can have access to data on executive, officer, and board compensation; board minutes relating to the creation of an ESOP and other business plans; plan fiduciary meeting minutes; and data on other retirement plans, if these data are relevant to claims that the ESOP overpaid for stock.

Update on Enron and Employee Ownership

The fallout from Enron continues to be the most important development in the employee ownership world. It appears a consensus is emerging on a least a few points:

State Laws Do Not All Conform to New Tax Rules

Many state laws do not conform in whole or in part to the retirement and ESOP provisions of the new tax bill. This could cause significant problems for companies and employees that exceed the contribution limits under old law.

Grassley Bill Would Provide AMT Relief

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, has introduced legislation (S. 1831) that would provide for tax relief for incentive stock options exercised in 2000.

Opposition to IASB Accounting Proposal, IRS Withholding Proposal Grows

The International Employee Stock Option Coalition, a coalition of 26 business groups and 51 companies, has been formed to oppose a proposal from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to require companies to account for the value of options at grant.