SEC Issues New Option Disclosure Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued new rules for publicly traded companies concerning disclosure of their stock options.

Employer Stock Is 19% of 401(k) Plan Assets

Employer stock in 401(k) plans held steady at 19% of total plan assets, according to a comprehensive new report of the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI). The EBRI/ICI study is the most comprehensive analysis of 401(k) plan investments.

Legislation, Hearings on the Way

Responding to the Enron case, House members Peter Deutsch (D-FL) and Gene Green (D-TX) are introducing legislation to limit employer stock in 401(k) plans to 10% of total assets. Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) is also drafting legislation to limit employer stock.

Global Employee Ownership Plans Continue to Grow

A new study by Andersen (formerly Arthur Andersen) shows that 95% of 185 large US, UK, and Canadian multinational companies responding to a survey have some kind of employee share plan.

Most Large Companies Not Restructuring Option Grants

A new study of 100 large companies by Watson Wyatt shows that 60% plan no changes in their options programs. Only 4% are repricing, while 19% are canceling with a subsequent reissue (generally six months later).

ERISA Does Not Preempt State Law Claims

In Abraham v. Norcal Waste Systems, Inc., 9th Cir., No. 99-17040, 9/7/01), an appeals court overruled a lower court's decision that ERISA preempted a claim by shareholders (some of whom were also ESOP participants) against Norcal for defaulting on a loan.

Floor Price Agreement Does Not Apply to All Employees

An arbitrator ruled that a union agreement with Dyncorp Aerospace Technology did not require the company to pay out employees who were not both vested and had received a payout during the specified contractual term at a collectively bargained floor price.

ESOP Qualification Revoked

In Beal Bros. Management Corp. v. Commissioner (T.C., No. 10871-99R, T.C. Memo. 2001-234, 9/6/01), the IRS ruled that Beal Brothers Management Corporation's ESOP did not meet minimum participation standards.

IRS Proposes FICA, FUTA Withholding on ESPPs, ISOs

As expected, the IRS has proposed regulations that would require employers to withhold taxes on stock option exercises or purchases under incentive stock option (ISO) plans or employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs).

One Large ESOP Closes; Another Starts

Employees have completed a $810 million transaction to purchase Appleton Papers from the French holding company Worms. The Appleton, WI company is the world's largest supplier of thermal and self-copying paper.