Discharged Executives Options Can Be Valued at Time of Discharge

In Scully v. US WATS Inc. (3rd. Cir., No. 99-1590, 2/1/01), an executive, Mark Scully, argued that the options he was given at the time he was fired should have been valued effective as of the date the options were to expire, not when he was terminated.

Qualcomm Settles Stock Option Lawsuit

Qualcomm has settled a lawsuit with former employees whose division was sold to Ericsson. The employees contended that the terms of the sale failed to provide them with all the benefits their option plan had promised. The settlement will provide 840 employees with $11 million.

IRS Rules That Over-the-Counter Market Does Not Create Readily Tradable Stock

In PLR 200052014, the IRS ruled that owners of a company listed on the over-the-counter market can sell to their company ESOP and take Section 1042 rollover treatment on the sale because the over the counter market does not provide sufficient trading volume to make a stock readily tradable.

SEC Says Option Grant Rescissions Require Variable Accounting

The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued new guidance stating that if a company allows employees with options to turn in shares obtained through the exercise of stock options in exchange for new options, then this will trigger variable accounting procedures.

Labor Department Issues Guidance on Plan Expense Policy

Some expenses of ERISA plans, including ESOPs and 401(k) plans, can be paid for by the plan. In Advisory Opinion 2001-01A, the Pension Welfare Benefit Administration (PWBA) has issued new guidance on when the plan can pay for various tax qualification and other plan functions.

Netherlands Passes New Options Law

Under a new law passed in the Netherlands, previously one of the most option-unfriendly tax jursidictions, employees can choose to have their options taxed on grant or on the spread at exercise.

BLS to Expand Study of Option Incidence

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has started to ask employers if they offer stock options in its annual survey of medium to large-sized employers.