SEC Issues Proposed Equity Compensation Plan Rules

The SEC is proposing regulations for public companies that would require at least annual disclosure about the total number of securities that have "been authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans in effect as of the end of the last completed fiscal year, whether or not the plans have

IRS Issues Significant Determinations on Options and ESOPS

Several recent IRS announcements provide important guidance on the tax treatment of stock options and ESOPs. They are summarized below. For complete information, go to the IRS web site ( and search for the relevant material.

Annual Addition Maximum Increased for Defined Contribution Plans

The maximum amount that can be added to an employee's account for all defined contribution plan contributions has been increased from $30,000 per year to $35,000. The increase is based on an indexing formula that came into effect for the first time this year.

IRS to Hold Off on ESPP and Options Withholding Rule

For the last few years, the IRS has been raising the issue of whether companies should be withholding taxes on gains made from employee exercises of incentive stock options when there is a disqualifying disposition and on employee purchases of stock in an employee stock purchase plan.

New Summary Plan Description Rules Require More Detail

New rules for Summary Plan Descriptions for all ERISA plans require more complete and specific disclosure about plan provisions. While much of the new rule focuses on health plans, ESOPs, pension plans, stock bonus plans, 401(k) plans, and welfare benefit plans are covered as well.

New Bureau of Labor Statistics Data on Stock Options

New data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicate that 1.7% of the U.S.'s 105.8 million nonfarm, private sector employees got a stock option grant in 1999. However, the same report finds that 5.3% of employees in companies listed on stock exchanges received options that year.

House Subcommittee Approves "Super Stock Option" Bill

The Employer-Employee Relations Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved by voice vote HR 3462, the "Wealth Through the Workplace Act." The bill, introduced by John Boehner (R-OH) with bipartisan support, would create a new type of stock option that would combin

ESOP Legislative Update

While Congress has shown a propensity to move very quickly on options legislation (witness the Boehner bill and the rapid passage of legislation to exempt options pay from overtime compensation rules), it is moving more deliberately on ESOPs.