Options Overtime Bill on Fast Track

The bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to clarify that option awards do not constitute compensation for overtime calculation purposes is now on a very fast track. The "Worker Economic Opportunity Act" has been endorsed by the Administration and leaders of both parties.

Company Notes

Periodically, we report on the kinds of company announcements not likely to make the news, but typifying the employee ownership world. One such case is Environmental Sciences Associates, a leading California-based environmental consulting firm.

Administration, Congress Moving Closer on ESOP S Corporation Reform

The Clinton Administration has proposed a new version of its ESOP S corporation reform legislation that would require ESOPs in these companies to pay unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on its pro-rata share of corporate profits if more than 10% of the allocations in the plan went either to high

Employee Ownership in Trinidad

Trinidad and Tobago now has about 22 registered employee stock ownership plans, covering about 10,000 participants. Companies register their plans as profit sharing plans with an employer stock feature.

Flak Flies on DOL Position on Options and Overtime

The Department of Labor's opinion letter stating that a company had to count the spread on option exercises by hourly workers as wages subject to overtime pay has resulted in a predictable flurry of criticism.

ESOPs Can Work in Small Companies Too

A common misperception about employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) is that they only work for larger employers. Rules of thumb vary; some practitioners say $1 million in revenues; some say 20 or 30 employees are needed before an ESOP makes sense.

DOL Suggests Options May Be Subject to Overtime Rules

An opinion letter released December 23rd by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) concludes that option gains need to be counted as compensation for the purpose of overtime pay.