FASB Proposes Option Accounting Rules

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has, as expected, issued proposed rules stating that if a company reprices its options, they are subject to variable accounting rules, meaning that companies will have to record as an expense the difference between the new lower grant price and any

Employees Will Use ESOP to Buy Champion Plant

Employees of Champion International's Canton, NC, paper plant plan to use an ESOP to buy their facility. The ESOP will own 40% of the new company, with the rest owned primarily by the KPS Fund.

Finland Moving Quickly on Employee Ownership

According to Erkki Helaniemi of Alexander Corporate Financing in Finland, 127 Finnish companies now offer stock options to most or all employees. Employees are taxed on the options only upon exercise, when they pay ordinary income tax rates. The company, however, does not get a tax deduction.

Trinidad Looking at Ownership Legislation

According to Hubert Alleyne of the International Communications Network, Trinidad is now considering legislation to encourage employee ownership. Alleyne previously worked for the Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, a pioneer in employee ownership in Trinidad.

Another 100% ESOP Buyout

Another very large company has been bought by a 100% ESOP. Nypro is a half-billion dollar contract manufacturer of plastics injection molding. It employs 5,500 people worldwide, including 2,500 in the U.S. who will be eligible for the ESOP.

Developments at United Airlines

There has been much hand-wringing among stock analysts over employee influence in the CEO selection process at United Airlines. These analysts will wring even more now that employees will be given a voice in how executives are compensated.

Clinton Proposes to Cut S Corporation Benefit

President Clinton's revenue proposals for the year 2000 call for the elimination of the special exemption from "UBIT" (unrelated business income tax) for ESOP in S corporations. Under existing law, any earnings attributable to an ESOP in an S corporation are not currently taxed.

Employee Ownership Companies Top Best 100 Companies to Work For

Companies with broad-based stock option plans, ESOPs, or other employee ownership arrangements accounted for 47 of the "Best 100 Companies in America to Work For," up from 31 last year. The list is published each year in Fortune (1/11/99; also available at at their Web site).

1998 an Eventful Year for Employee Ownership Research

1998 saw the continued rapid growth of broad-based employee ownership plans, particularly through the continuing expansion of the trend for companies to give stock options to most or all employees. The NCEO estimates that at least 18 million employees in the U.S.

Arthur Andersen Survey Shows Global Share Plans Increasing

A new survey of the 1,250 largest global companies by Arthur Andersen shows that 43% operate global share plans for executives, while 27% operate global share plans for all of their employees. Another 7.75% plan to introduce broad-based plans in 1999.